Step into a realm of elite empowerment, where high-performing women reclaim their brilliance, shatter limits, and own their stage.

LvlUp performance coaching is tailored for the high-performing woman who fearlessly pushes boundaries, boldly confronts challenges, and passionately seeks a deeper connection to her aspirations. Alongside this  resilience, she grapples with the burden of guilt, the fear of letting others down, and the nagging worry of never feeling enough.

Let me coach you like I do an Olympic athlete—where our focus is on succeeding. Instead of exhausting your willpower trying to force yourself to feel or be different, we channel your newfound energy into pursuing your goals while remaining authentically yourself. It's about unleashing your full potential and embracing who you truly are.

You can be, do and have more 

In a world constantly urging women to be less—weigh less, desire less, be less emotional, say less - my coaching takes a different stance. 

It's about more—more authenticity, more resting without feeling guilty, more people pleasing the way it pleases you, more backing yourself to do and cope with hard things. It's a pathway to getting more of what you want by being unapologetically more of yourself.


Performance Coaching

ElevateHer is a transformative leadership package that empowers you to be responsible for your worth, embrace your unique energy, and confidently navigate the delicate balance between self-fulfilment and external expectations.

Personal Psychology

Commit to self-discovery, overcome obstacles, shape a growth mindset, and achieve personal growth. This service is for those navigating mental health symptoms or seeking a deeper understanding of themselves.

Dr Edel Langan

Psychologist & Performance Coach

Hey there, I'm Edel—a high-performing woman committed to building a legacy of empowering professional women to unlock their full potential. 

After spending 15 years navigating predominantly male-led, high-performing systems, I reached a turning point. No more playing small, waiting for external validation. 

I founded my coaching service to champion like-minded women ready to play to win, rewriting the rules that once confined us. Let's break free from limitations and elevate your game together.